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Altova FlowForce Server 2022 

Assuming that you have been granted the required permissions to use a credential object, you can refer to it from various contexts where credentials are necessary, for example:


You have created a credential that identifies a user account on the operating system where FlowForce Server runs (that is, the option Allow usage for job execution is enabled). You may subsequently refer to this credential from multiple jobs. This example is described below.

You have created a credential that identifies an FTP username and password (that is, the option Allow usage for FTP is enabled). You may refer such a credential from any job that calls an FTP function.


The following example is illustrative of the common case where you need to refer to password credentials that identify a user account on the operating system where FlowForce Server runs:


1.Create a credential where the option Allow usage for job execution is enabled, as illustrated in Defining Credentials.

2.Create a new job or edit an existing one.

3.Under "Credential", click Select existing credential, and browse for the credential record defined previously.


If you have jobs that contain credential records defined locally, you can refer to them as if they were credentials objects themselves, for example:


In this case, the credentials of the embedded job (the one that has local credentials) will be used as credentials of the main job. Note that credentials are linked, not copied: if you change the locally defined credentials in the embedded job, they will be propagated to the main job as well.


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