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Altova FlowForce Server 2022 

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Import/Export Configuration Data

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You can export jobs and other configuration objects (including deployed MapForce mappings and StyleVision transformations) from FlowForce Server as follows:


To another running FlowForce Server instance (online export)

To a file (offline export)


When you export objects to another running FlowForce Server instance, the exported objects become immediately available in the Web administration interface of that server.


When you export objects to a file, FlowForce Server creates a .zip archive which contains the selected objects and their dependencies. The .zip archive is named according to the date and time when the export operation took place. The naming convention is export_YYYYMMDDhhmmss. For example, a file exported on the 6th of August 2016-2022 at 10:51:33 server time would be named


You can subsequently import the .zip archive either into the same FlowForce Server instance (provided the imported objects no longer exist at destination, or you want to overwrite them), or into another instance.

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