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Altova FlowForce Server 2022 

Full path: /system/filesystem/move


Moves or renames a file.


When invoked from a simple execution step, this function moves or renames one file at a time. To move or rename multiple files with FlowForce, enclose the step which calls the move function inside a "for-each" step, similar to how this is done in the Copy Files example.


This function returns Boolean TRUE if execution was successful. If the job execution fails, the outcome depends on the value of the Abort on error parameter, as follows:


If the Abort on error parameter is TRUE (default value), the job execution is aborted. In this case, you can still handle errors by means of protected blocks (see Handling Step Errors).

If the Abort on error parameter is FALSE, the function returns FALSE.







string as file

The path and file name of the source file that you want to move.


string as file

The name of the destination directory. If you supply only the directory name in this field, the original file name will be retained.

Overwrite target


When true, causes the destination file to be overwritten. The default value is false .

Abort on error


This Boolean parameter determines what should be the return value of the function if the job fails. If Abort on error is FALSE, the function will return Boolean FALSE as well. If Abort on error is TRUE, the job execution is aborted. The default value is TRUE.

Working directory

string as directory

Specifies the working directory (for example, c:\somedirectory). If relative paths are used, they will be resolved against the working directory.

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