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Altova FlowForce Server 2022 

Full path: /system/maintenance/cleanup-files


Deletes those files that are not in use or referenced by any deployed objects (such as MapForce mappings and StyleVision transformations). Returns the number of files that were deleted, as numeric value.


When you delete deployed objects, or when you re-deploy existing objects with modified files, any files associated with previously deployed objects become unused. By default, FlowForce Server does not delete the unused files. Therefore, in order to clean up the disk space, it is strongly recommended to create a job which periodically calls this function, especially in enterprise environments where multiple users deploy objects to FlowForce Server.


To see the current disk space used by deployed objects, check the size of the files folder located in the FlowForce Server application data folder (see FlowForce Server Application Data).


This function does not have any parameters.

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