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Altova FlowForce Server 2022 

To build FlowForce expressions, you can use the operators listed below. Remember that you can test any expression by calling the built-in function builtin_functionsystem/compute.






Checks if a and b are equal (numerically equal for numbers, code-point equal for strings).

== 5 computes to true


2 + 3 == 4 computes to false


Checks if a and b are not equal. Note that the following three expressions are equivalent:


a != b

not (a == b)

a <> b

+ 2 != 5 computes to true


+ 2 != 5 computes to false


Checks if a is less than b (numerically less for numbers, see below for strings).

computes to true


Checks if a is less than or equal to b.

5 <=  computes to true


Checks if a is greater than b.

5 > 1  computes to true


Checks if a is greater than or equal to b.

5 >=  computes to true



1 computes to 2



1 computes to 1



3 *  computes to 6



6 / 3 computes to 2


String comparisons are performed as follows:


The common prefix of the two strings are ignored (evaluated on code points)

If both remaining strings are non-empty, their first code points are compared numerically

Empty strings are less than non-empty strings


Use parentheses to instruct FlowForce to evaluate the expression inside first. For example:


2 + 3 * 4 computes to 14.


(2 + 3) * 4 computes to 20.

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