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Altova FlowForce Server 2022 

Steps define what the FlowForce Server job must actually do (for example, delete a file, execute a MapForce mapping, or send an email). In its simplest form, a step is just an operation with either failed or successful outcome, and it requires a function to be executed (see Execution step). However, there are also steps that provide means to execute other steps conditionally or in a loop (see Choose step, Error/success Handling step, and For-Each step). You can create as many steps as required within the same job, and you can set the order in which they must take place.


To add a step, click the button corresponding to the step type:


You can create the following step types.


Execution step

A step of type "Execution step" lets you execute a specific FlowForce function. Available functions include the built-in functions delivered with FlowForce Server, deployed MapForce mappings or StyleVision transformations, and the execution steps of other jobs.

Choose step

A step of type "Choose step" lets you define the conditions under which other job steps should be executed. Choose steps have the following structure:


When {some expression}

Execute (some step)


Execute (some other step)


Under each "Choose step", you can nest other Choose steps (sub-conditions), for example:


When {expression}

When {expression}

Execute (step)


Execute (step)


Execute (step)


Any number of conditional steps can be defined.  


Within any When / Otherwise pair, FlowForce Server executes only the condition that is true; the other condition is ignored.


For more information, see Processing Steps Conditionally.

For-Each step

A step of type "For-each step" lets you iterate through a sequence (for example, a list of files within a directory) and repeat an execution step any number of times. "For-Each" steps has the following structure:


For each item in sequence {sequence expression}

Execute (step)


FlowForce executes the step until it finishes looping through all items of the sequence expression.

Error/Success Handling step

When a step of a job fails, FlowForce Server aborts the job. You can use steps of type "Error/success handling step" to perform clean-up actions before the job finally exits (see Handling Step Errors).

Postponed steps

In some cases, you might want to let the job return a result first, and execute certain steps only afterwards. Steps that are executed after the job returns a result are called postponed. This is particularly useful in job exposed as Web services. For details, see Postponed Steps.


Use the following buttons to manage steps.



Add step.


Delete step.


Duplicate step.


Move step up or down.


Undo a previous delete action.


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