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Altova FlowForce Server 2022 

In the context of a FlowForce Server job, input parameters represent some arbitrary information supplied to the job based on which the job will execute in a particular way. Job input parameters are similar to function arguments in a programming language. Input parameters can be of various types (for example, file or directory references, text, numbers, Boolean values, and others). For some job types, FlowForce Server creates the input parameters automatically.



FlowForce Server automatically adds an input parameter called triggerfile to jobs that use file system or HTTP triggers (see also Managing Triggers). The triggerfile parameter contains the name of the file that activated the trigger and must not be deleted.

If a job is using parameters and is exposed as a Web service, FlowForce Server expects the parameters to be passed by the calling application in the request (see also Exposing Jobs as Web Services).


An input parameter consists of the following fields.



Mandatory field. Specifies the name of the input parameter. Because you may need to refer to this parameter subsequently from any of the job's execution steps, use a name as descriptive as possible.


The input parameter name must start with a letter and may contain only the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and '_'.


Mandatory field. Specifies the data type of the input parameter, which can be one of the following:



String as file

String as directory

String as file or directory





You should select the data type according to the data type of the expected parameter value.


Optional field. Specifies the default value of the parameter. This value will be used if no value is specified by the job caller at runtime.


Optional field. Describes the purpose of the parameter. This description becomes available as a tooltip next to the parameter name, when you use the current job as an execution step of another job,


Use the following buttons to manage parameters.



Add parameter.


Delete parameter


Duplicate parameter.


Move parameter up or down.


Undo a previous delete action.


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